Coffee Break 500ml
COFFEE, TANNIN AND URINE SPOTTER COFFEE BREAK is a low pH spotter used to neutralise alkaline spotters such as Sensation as well as assist in the removal of coffee, tannin, berry red wine and fruit juice stains. Coffee break is used in the urine stain removal process. However urine stains, if aged can permanently damage the carpet and defy removal. Dye Stains: used on the red, pink, orange colours prior to spotting with sensation followed by Browning Treatment. COFFEE BREAK will remove certain fugitive colour runs. Directions Pretest for colour fastness on inconspicuous area prior to application. This spotter must be rinsed extracted or neutralised from the carpet. Apply undiluted to affected area. Allow to stand for two minutes, lightly agitate with gloved fingers then sponge or extract. Apply a small amount of Browning Treatment to reduce final trace of dye.