Break Up 5L
DA-5827470Break Up is a high foaming, heavy duty degreaser for removal of grease, animal fat and dirt.
Features: High foaming, grease cutting cleaner Quickly and effectively removes fat, grease, dirt and even soap scum Ideal for use in butcher shops, bakeries, delicatessens, produce departments, restaurants, washrooms, institutional kitchens and food processing plants
Non perfumed Benefits: Non perfumed for use in food preparation areas Multipurpose, can be used on floors, wall, benches, equipment, freezer and bathrooms Dissolves grease and fat quickly, saves time and money Rinses easily without leaving soap film or residue High foaming properties mean Break Up clings to vertical surfaces to prolong cleaning contact time Instructions for
Use: 1. Dilute Break Up with warm water as required. 2. Fill bucket, sink or spray bottle with solution. 3. Mop, wipe or spray over surface to be cleaned. 4. Rinse with potable water. 5. Allow to dry.
Dilution Rates: For general cleaning: Use 1L per 40L warm water For heavy soiling or fryers: Use 1L per 20L warm/hot water